This week, National Reconciliation Week, is a time to learn about our history, to listen to the stories of our First Nations peoples, and to take meaningful steps towards a more united and equitable Australia. Our students have engaged in a variety of events, cultural activities and prayerful celebrations, designed to educate, inspire, and deepen their understanding of the significance of this week for our nation.
Today, our Year 5 student celebrated a special National Reconciliation week mass which focused on building positive and respectful relationships between all Australians and celebrating indigenous culture. Thank you to Fr. Sang, for the connections he makes with our students, engaging them in meaningful conversations about their faith.
We are proud of the commitment and enthusiasm our students have shown this week. Their willingness to listen, learn, and engage is a testament to their dedication to creating a better future for all Australians. As we move forward, let us carry the lessons of this week with us and strive to build a nation that values and respects the contributions and rights of its First Nations peoples.
May we always stand as tall as a tree
Be as strong as the rock, Uluru,
Be as gentle as the morning mist,
Hold the warmth of the sacred campfire within us,
And may the spirits of our Wadawurrung ancestors always watch over us.
Our next Year Level Mass will be celebrated by:
Year 2 classes
Wednesday 5 June at 9.30 am
St. Bernard’s Church.
This mass falls on World Environment Day, which will be the theme for our celebration. We extend an invitation to all Year 2 families to join us for this mass and afterwards for a chat and catch up. A coffee van has been booked for after mass. Looking forward to seeing you there!
Year 4 Year Level Mass will be celebrated on Thursday, 13th June at 9.30. This will be a special time for our Year 4 students as they will be able to take part in a mass together and celebrate receiving the Eucharist for the first time earlier this term. Year 4 families are also encouraged to come along and join us for this mass.
Eucharist Sacramental Groups
First Eucharist
Congratulations to our Year 4 students who received their First Eucharist earlier this term. Here are photos of our four masses.
Sacramental News
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Our Year 3 students continue their preparations during religious education classes to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation which will be celebrated next term. Important dates are as follows:
Reconciliation Family Faith Evening - Thursday 30 May, 6pm at St. Bernard’s Church
Student Preparation Day - Tuesday 16 July, at Clairvaux.
Students wear casual clothes and share a pizza lunch.
Reconciliation Ceremony at St Bernard’s Church
3CG and 3RW - Tuesday 23 July, 7pm
3RB and 3TO - Wednesday 24 July, 7pm at St Bernard’s Church
Stole - Baptism and Reconciliation symbols to be attached. Please place orders before the end of Term 2. Order from
Julie Routley
Religious Education Co ordinator
© Clairvaux School