At Clairvaux we teach according to the Victorian Curriculum, following the Flourishing Learners initiative from the Melbourne Archdiocese of Catholic Schools (MACS).
The MACS 2030 strategic plan has been designed to enable every student to flourish and enrich the world. Through our Flourishing Learners academic pillar, MACS aims to deliver the very best educational outcome for every student.
At Clairvaux we prioritise the importance of teaching and learning for every student under the overarching umbrella of wellbeing for everyone in our school community.
We follow research and evidence based teaching practices and approaches to learning - often referred to the Science of Learning.
The link below outlines how we teach and programs used to enhance the learning of each child. There are also links to videos and further readings if you would like to further your own understanding.
We aim to align our teaching and learning to evidence based practises reflecting current research to ensure that we provide the best learning environment for every student. Some of these initiatives are: teaching using a Systematic Synthetic Phonics approach using the Little Learners Love Literacy program for our Prep-2 students and a Direct Instruction spelling program using Spelling Mastery for our Year 3-6 students.
The curriculum provides the basis for in depth learning and encourages students to be engaged and successfully manage their learning after explicit teaching and practice to embed the skills needed to complete tasks. It focuses on developing knowledge, skills and behaviours, including physical, cognitive and social capacities.
To support classroom teachers, a number of specialist teachers provide students with expertise in given areas. These areas include Health and Physical Education, Language Other Than English (LOTE – Italian), Performing Arts (Music, Dance and Drama) and Visual Arts.
Teachers at Clairvaux are progressive in their attitudes towards educational change and are constantly updating through professional development to enhance teaching and learning.
© Clairvaux School