Behaviour management at Clairvaux

At Clairvaux, we will always strive to work with parents to support students so that they can fully function in our school and learning spaces. 

At Clairvaux we believe that: 

  • No student’s wellbeing and learning should be impacted by any one student on a continual basis. 
  • No teacher’s wellbeing and teaching ability should be impacted by any one student on a continual basis.

At Clairvaux we have a clear behavior management process in place. Our staff have worked extensively to refine our practices and ensure consistency in our school. This involves staff using positive reinforcement and following our behaviour flow chart with steps of reminders. 

Further to this we are committed to continuing our development of our behaviour curriculum where we explicitly teach our students the routines to assist with the expectations we have of them and the reasons behind these expectations. This is reinforced by classroom norms and routines via routines.

In addition to our positive reinforcement, explicit teaching and consistency we also assist our neurodiverse students who require extra supports on an as needed basis, such as: class break times implemented to support concentration and participation, sensory supports as required e.g. wobble stools, wobble cushions, fidget tools, visuals, behaviour and safety plans, social stories about inappropriate behaviours, LSO support for individual breaks outside of the classroom (as well as support in the classroom), extra teachers rostered on to monitor children on yard duty and off yard play timetabled to support successful outdoor play with peers. 

Your trust in our processes, helps us maintain a constructive, safe and happy learning environment for everyone.



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